Zhong-Feng Sun (孙中锋)

Associate Professor

Affiliation: School of Mathematics and Statistics, Shandong University of Technology

Address: No. 266 Xincun West Road, Zhangdian District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, P. R. China

E-mail: zfsun@sdut.edu.cn
| SDUT| Google scholar| Web of Science| ORCID|

Research interests: Sparse optimization, Signal processing, Image processing.

Work Experience

    Jul. 1, 2024-Aug. 31, 2024
    Feb. 15, 2023-Dec. 31, 2023
    Jun. 15, 2022-Oct. 15, 2022
    Aug. 2021-Oct. 2021
    Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data Visiting Scholar,
    Host: Prof. Yunbin Zhao
    Jan. 2020-present School of Mathematics and Statistics,
    Shandong University of Technology
    Associate Professor
    Sept. 2011-Dec. 2019 School of Mathematics and Statistics,
    Shandong University of Technology
    Jul. 2009-Jun. 2011 School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University Postdoc,
    Mentor: Prof. Huazhong Tang


    Sept. 2004-Jun. 2009 School of Mathematical Sciences, Capital Normal University Ph.D.,
    Advisor: Prof. Jiequan Li
    Sept. 2000-Jun. 2004 School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xuzhou Normal University B.Sc.


  1. National Natural Science Foundation of China [Tianyuan Fund for Mathematics, Grant No. 11226315], 2013.01-2013.12, PI.
  2. National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grant No. 12371305], 2024.01-2027.12, Participant.

Academic Activities

    Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; Inverse Problems; Applied Mathematics and Computation; Numerical Algorithms; IEEE Signal Processing Letters; Mathematical Reviews (Reviewer Number: 173267).


    All data (signal and image) used in our publications can be downloaded from [Data]. Note: You are free to use the data for research purposes. All publications which use the data should cite the corresponding references, which can be found in the file with the suffix "_Description.txt".


  1. IP
    Z. F. Sun, Y. B. Zhao, J. C. Zhou, and Z. H. Huang. Dynamic thresholding algorithm with memory for linear inverse problems. Inverse Probl., 41: 015004, 2025.
  2. JSC
    Z. F. Sun, J. C. Zhou, and Y. B. Zhao. Heavy-ball-based optimal thresholding algorithms for sparse linear inverse problems. J. Sci. Comput., 96: 93, 2023.
  3. JCAM
    Z. F. Sun, J. C. Zhou, Y. B. Zhao, and N. Meng. Heavy-ball-based hard thresholding algorithms for sparse signal recovery. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 430: 115264, 2023.
  4. IETSP
    L. P. Geng, J. C. Zhou, Z. F. Sun, and J. Y. Tang. Recovery of sparse signals via modified hard thresholding pursuit algorithms. IET Signal Process., 2023: 9937696, 2023.
  5. AOR
    J. Y. Tang, J. C. Zhou, and Z. F. Sun. A derivative-free line search technique for Broyden-like method with applications to NCP, wLCP and SI. Ann. Oper. Res., 321: 541-564, 2023.
  6. JGO
    N. Meng, Y. B. Zhao, M. Kočvara, and Z. F. Sun. Partial gradient optimal thresholding algorithms for a class of sparse optimization problems. J. Glob. Optim., 84: 393-413, 2022.
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